Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sway, by Zachary Lazar

Zachary Lazar
Novel released as hardcover first edition January, 2008.
ISBN-10: 0-316-11309-3

ISBN-13: 978-0-316-11309-0

Published by:
Little, Brown and Company Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
$23.99 US/$27.99 Can.
Through a glass darkly? Yes, this is a dark yet realistic time capsule back to the turbulent 1060s, up to the turmoil of 1969 in specific. We visit the crossroads created by the juxtaposition of two phenomenons cast upon society during that time: The Rolling Stones and Charles Manson. It is, if you'll pardon the cliché, a crossing of mad stars.
The names of the characters dance to their own tunes: Brian Jones, a soul spinning out of control in a machine he instigated the creation of; Bobby Beausoleil, who lost grip on his own soul during association with Charles Manson and his group of followers; gay filmmaker Kenneth Anger (Invocation of My Demon Brother – featuring Bobby Beausoleil, among others). Music, sex, the entire range of rawest human emotion, fame's cherished demons, murder, as well as the alleged accidental death by drowning of the first leader of the Rolling Stones.
This one is a wild ride with the growling voice of Mick Jagger. Buckle yourself in for blast off. Yesterday is cast in stone – who knows what tomorrow brings?
Thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Zachary Lazar's new novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Comments? Questions? Speak your piece and welcome!
-- The Fireside Reader

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