Saturday, November 24, 2007

WILD FIRE, by Nelson DeMille


Wild Fire

Nelson DeMille
(Bestselling author of By The Rivers of Babylon, The Gold Coast, The General's Daughter, and Up Country.)
Novel released as hardcover November 2006, soon to be released as paperback.
ISBN number: ISBN-10: 0-446-57967-x ISBN-13: 978-0-446-57967-4
Published by:
Warner Books
. Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
. $26.99 USD / $31.25 CAN
Almost the first thing one encounters in this novel is a quote: "The FBI investigates terrorism-related matters without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender." -- Terrorism in the United States, FBI publications, 1997. That, alone, is enough to send a nervous laugh thrill through anyone with half a brain. Mr. DeMille has one hellish premise going in Wild Fire, one I hope we never see come to reality. After all, we only have one world to share amongst us all.
What is a crying pity is that an author who is capable of so very much more has paired this strong, well-researched story line with thin, almost transparent charactors. The protagonist is so stereotypical in his male, smart-mouthed ways that a reader has a hard time keeping face forward and teeth unclenched. As if that weren't enough, the protagonist's wife/sidekick is worse. The charactors are into the premise deeply, yet they come across as cut-out dolls instead of rich personalities. Playing with paper dolls is something I outgrew years ago, so the whole thing wound up grating on my nerves.
What did make me itch -- and helped me stay with it to the bitter end -- was that the premise was so believably unbelievable. There exist those whose greed, whose thirst for power, is insatiable. To those people, the rest of us are merely ... collateral damage. Without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender. They're not (well, not all) government officials, yet they weild power and money on a battleground that's neither official nor truly morally aware in even an abstract manner. Where does this leave the common world citizen standing? On mighty shaky ground, let me tell you. Mr. DeMille has a good handle on that angle.
What came across most was a sense of hurriedness, anxious time-scrabbling. The research was intense, well sorted out, and well-presented. I wonder if this was at the price of cardboard charactors? Mr. DeMille, I wish you better luck on the next one. I can only hope that you won't let deadlines ruin a good thing. Until then, I'll save some flags for a serious work; this one isn't polished well, as so many of your works are. Let's call it unfinished, shall we?
Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Nelson DeMille's novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Comments? Questions?
-- The Fireside Reader

CAT and MOUSE, by James Patterson

Cat & Mouse
James Patterson
The novel was originally released as international hardcover April, 1998; it was also released in the United States as paperback November, 1998. By arrangement with Little, Brown & Company, it was published as a trade paperback in August, 2003.

ISBN number:
Published by:
Warner Books Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (trade paperback):
$13.95 USD / $19.95 CAN
Once again, James Patterson's deep and careful study of the criminal mind brings us a story with 'panache', if not perhaps quite 'elegance'. While James Patterson has often been accused of having cardboard cutout charactors, this tale involving a serial killer, Gary Murphy/"Soneji" we've met before is solid good reading. In this fourth Alex Cross novel (and bestseller), we're led on a merry mystery chase through several murders and given a surprise at the end as well. Mr. Patterson's intense explorations into the world of criminal psychology pay off in the kind of book that makes the reader pick up each new novel with confidence that entertainment is a given. It's not the charactor that carries his story as much as it's the fast-paced and steadily produced tension.
Action, tension. This author is a past master of such things, which is why he's in solid on the market. His name is widely known, and he's reliable as a producer of such tales. Mr. Patterson, we should all be so skilled. Green for go on Cat & Mouse... with a few mysterious spatters of blood red, of course. You've earned it the hard way.
Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review a classic James Patterson novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Comments? Questions?
-- The Fireside Reader

THE TERROR, by Dan Simmons

The Terror
Dan Simmons (Bestselling author of Olympos.)
Novel released as hardcover January, 2007, soon to be released as paperback.
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-316-01744-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-316-01744-2
Published by:
Little, Brown & Company Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
$26.99 USD / $31.25 CAN

What an intense piece of work this one is! Mr. Simmons has done a monstrous (ahem) amount of work on this novel of an arctic exploration gone wrong. Vivid details, strong charactors, suspense and mystery done to a turn in a bloody-bones sauce of horror, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The research is well done indeed, the delicacy of the thread holding us is titanium strong yet cobweb light, as weirdly illuminating as the northern lights.

My only complaint is that, while there is no doubt this is a tightly woven story, it's almost wordy in its massive glory. While on the edge of my seat quite literally, at times I wondered when we were ever going to get to the punchline.

We did get to the punchline, however, and it is a doozy! There is no way I'd have seen the end coming, and it involves one of my greatest interests (which, in the name of keeping a spoiler down, I won't pass along just yet). An unpredictable ending is priceless in a world filled with more and more books.

Visit Mr. Simmon's delectible imagination and see for yourself. This novel will have you asking questions and shivering fit to shatter bones even if you're in a beachside summer cottage with heavy clothing on and the heat cranked up high. Those flags are nothing more and nothing less than the northern lights -- high, wide, and handsome, a mystery from without and within.


Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Dan Simmon's interesting novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.


Comments? Questions?

-- The Fireside Reader