Friday, December 14, 2007

Chat, by Archer Mayor

Chat A novel

A Joe Gunther Mystery
Archer Mayor (National bestselling author. Website:
Novel released as hardcover in October, 2007.
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-446-58258-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-446-58258-2
Published by:
Grand Central Publishing
Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
$24.99 USD / $28.99 CAN

... . Ho-hum. Another mystery novel masquerading at first as a popular novel. Mr. Mayor is capable of far, far better, I am sure. I almost slept my way through this novel. It's a slow starter with only sporadic action near the end. The charactors are so ordinary and preditable that I have trouble remembering them, and I only just finished the novel recently. Sad, so sad. The book is well-written as far as style and technique go, yet the whole thing comes off as a sleeper. I'm yawning, something I almost never do when reading or thinking of a recently read book. Some people read so they can get to sleep; I read and am wide awake, normally, in the absorption of the material.


Sleepy flags to Mr. Mayor. Try again?


"Yawnnnnnn." (Wake me up when it's over, will you please? I think I'm going to take a nice nap while I wait.)


... .

Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Archer Mayor's latest Joe Gunther novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.


Comments? Questions?

-- The Fireside Reader

7th Heaven, by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

7th Heaven
James Patterson and
Maxine Paetro
ADVANCE COPY review -- uncorrected proof. Novel to be released in February, 2008.
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-316-01770-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-316-01770-1
Published by:
Little, Brown and Company
Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
$27.99 USD / $32.50 CAN

. ...


Oh, my. I am impressed! This book absolutely sparks. It's a can't-put-down item with a surprise ending. It's alive with mystery's best features, with the added punch of a sharp sense of humor meshed neatly with murder, mayhem, arson, and a stalker to boot!


Mr. Patterson has found a great partner in Maxine Paetro, I am solidly convinced. Together, they've created the kind of mystery novel that readers search frantically for on bookstore shelves. This is the fifth Patterson-Paetro Women's Murder Club (of the seven in the series) collaboration, and definately is a winner. All I can say, still reeling from the whirlwind read is "WELL DONE!"


This is no cardboard tale. It's solid gold, and one of Mr. Patterson's best offerings yet. Kudos to Ms. Paetro for her expert assist -- the difference triggered thus is remarkable. Sharp, sharper, and the sharpest is surely yet to come, if this partnership continues.


Flags on wicked fire for 7th Heaven, folks. This one is brightly burning, a read to bounce through laughing wildly ... and shivering by turns. How could anyone ask for more from any mystery novel?


Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Archer Mayor's latest Joe Gunther novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.




Comments? Questions?

-- The Fireside Reader

Friday, December 7, 2007

Coming soon, one novel in hardback and two advance-copy novels.


Chat, by Archer Mayor. (released in hardcover...)


  • 7th Heaven, by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (ADVANCE copy, to be released in February, 2008)

  • the girl who stopped swimming, by Joshilyn Jackson (ADVANCE copy, to be released in March, 2008)

ENDGAME, 1945, by David Stafford -- nonfiction

David Stafford (Acclaimed historian, author of Ten Days to D-Day.)
Nonfiction book released as hardcover in
Great Britain by Little, Brown Book Group Ltd., during August, 2007. First American edition released November, 2007.
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-316-10980-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-316-10980-2
Published by:
Little, Brown and Company
Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
$26.99 US / $31.25 CAN

. Wars don't end when it is declared so -- the real combatatants, the locals, continue to fight long after governmental issues have been beaten to a bloody pulp. The people fight for, mostly, basic rights and necessities. Food, shelter, clothing, water, a place to sleep without fear of bodily harm. Regardless, as it is so often said here in the United States, of race, religion, gender, or national origin. Funny, those are the kinds of things that usually start a revolution ... but I digress.


Let me tell you now about a history book written by a gifted author whose skilled eye for a story amid tons of careful research draws in the most casual reader.


First of all, David Stafford is an acclaimed historian. He has been, as the book's slip cover points out, the former executive director of the Canadian Institute of International affairs, and is now project director at the Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars at the highly respected University of Edinburgh. He has written several books in the area of intelligence and the second world war: Camp X, Roosevelt and Churchill: Men of Secrets, Spies Beneath Berlin, Secret Agent: The True Story of the Special Operations Executive, and also Ten Days to D-Day. Mr. Stafford clearly has compassion and passion for his subject, a fact clear from the beginning, and his research is impeccable; the book's bibliography is highly detailed, as are his notes. This man is both scholar and writer, a rare combination.


In ENDGAME, 1945, our writer-scholar takes us deep into World War II, giving us an intense vision of what horrors were perpetrated under the rule of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime. We are given insight through the stories of real people -- albeit people whose ordinary positions in the war have brought out the larger-than-life aspects of their charactor. Soldiers, spies, relief workers, political prisoners, those who lost their families to the gas chambers or starvation of the camps... and more... all have their stories to tell.


What stories they are, I cannot begin to describe. Let it only be said that no movie's special effects has yet come close to the reality of World War II. I know this because I was raised on such stories -- granted, this book has personal connotations for me. My father is, as I write, a hale and hearty eighty-six year old U. S. Army infantry veteran, "Sarge", whose stories back up everything written by Mr. Stafford, and yet go beyond.


The stories passed along by those known as The Greatest Generation will soon be lost, as the survivors of that time period die away, leaving us all without their wisdom and experience. As with many other veterans' experiences, my father's intense tales of Hill 49, of being sent to 'graves detail', of being acting "mayor" of a town while only a Kentucky country boy in his early twenties, the breathless angst of living almost unscratched in a slit trench next to someone else who didn't survive a blast that hit slightly off center between the two trenches and was the first body he picked up later ... someone he knew well and liked... all of it will be gone soon. Unless someone, somewhere, preserves them.


Perhaps I don't have that skill, yet there are those who do, such as Mr. Stafford. While I don't generally read history books, I was taken deep into this one and have come out a -- sober but admiring -- fan of this man's writing style. He's good, folks, and he's clearly devoted to his subject for life.


Peacetime flags for Mr. Stafford, in a world dallying with the same exact problems of World War II's aftermath, a land devoid of its former cruel leader, whose people, as those from every other ancient land, merely want to go back to a decent -- by their standards, not anyone else's -- existance. It is indeed a fact that those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.


Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review David Stafford's thought-provoking book. For information on other books offered or soon to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.


Comments? Questions?

-- The Fireside Reader



Personal comment:


Where might the world be now, without dictators, racists, fascists, and plain old fanatical snobs? I'd hazard a guess that we'd have less weapons of mass destruction -- and more 'victims' alive and well to devote their time to the far greater of problems such as world hunger. Let the politicians duke it out on their own. Some man's brother, father, uncle, cousin, friend... some woman's daughter, friend, mother, aunt, cousin... when governments let run the dogs of war, those least deserving pay the butcher's bill first.

Myself, well... I lean to the seemingly contradictory words of Ulyssess S. Grant: "I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." This sentiment was written long before his time, however, by Cicero, in De Officiis: "The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed." Either way it's said, that's good enough for me. ~TFR


Saturday, November 24, 2007

WILD FIRE, by Nelson DeMille


Wild Fire

Nelson DeMille
(Bestselling author of By The Rivers of Babylon, The Gold Coast, The General's Daughter, and Up Country.)
Novel released as hardcover November 2006, soon to be released as paperback.
ISBN number: ISBN-10: 0-446-57967-x ISBN-13: 978-0-446-57967-4
Published by:
Warner Books
. Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
. $26.99 USD / $31.25 CAN
Almost the first thing one encounters in this novel is a quote: "The FBI investigates terrorism-related matters without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender." -- Terrorism in the United States, FBI publications, 1997. That, alone, is enough to send a nervous laugh thrill through anyone with half a brain. Mr. DeMille has one hellish premise going in Wild Fire, one I hope we never see come to reality. After all, we only have one world to share amongst us all.
What is a crying pity is that an author who is capable of so very much more has paired this strong, well-researched story line with thin, almost transparent charactors. The protagonist is so stereotypical in his male, smart-mouthed ways that a reader has a hard time keeping face forward and teeth unclenched. As if that weren't enough, the protagonist's wife/sidekick is worse. The charactors are into the premise deeply, yet they come across as cut-out dolls instead of rich personalities. Playing with paper dolls is something I outgrew years ago, so the whole thing wound up grating on my nerves.
What did make me itch -- and helped me stay with it to the bitter end -- was that the premise was so believably unbelievable. There exist those whose greed, whose thirst for power, is insatiable. To those people, the rest of us are merely ... collateral damage. Without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender. They're not (well, not all) government officials, yet they weild power and money on a battleground that's neither official nor truly morally aware in even an abstract manner. Where does this leave the common world citizen standing? On mighty shaky ground, let me tell you. Mr. DeMille has a good handle on that angle.
What came across most was a sense of hurriedness, anxious time-scrabbling. The research was intense, well sorted out, and well-presented. I wonder if this was at the price of cardboard charactors? Mr. DeMille, I wish you better luck on the next one. I can only hope that you won't let deadlines ruin a good thing. Until then, I'll save some flags for a serious work; this one isn't polished well, as so many of your works are. Let's call it unfinished, shall we?
Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Nelson DeMille's novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Comments? Questions?
-- The Fireside Reader

CAT and MOUSE, by James Patterson

Cat & Mouse
James Patterson
The novel was originally released as international hardcover April, 1998; it was also released in the United States as paperback November, 1998. By arrangement with Little, Brown & Company, it was published as a trade paperback in August, 2003.

ISBN number:
Published by:
Warner Books Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (trade paperback):
$13.95 USD / $19.95 CAN
Once again, James Patterson's deep and careful study of the criminal mind brings us a story with 'panache', if not perhaps quite 'elegance'. While James Patterson has often been accused of having cardboard cutout charactors, this tale involving a serial killer, Gary Murphy/"Soneji" we've met before is solid good reading. In this fourth Alex Cross novel (and bestseller), we're led on a merry mystery chase through several murders and given a surprise at the end as well. Mr. Patterson's intense explorations into the world of criminal psychology pay off in the kind of book that makes the reader pick up each new novel with confidence that entertainment is a given. It's not the charactor that carries his story as much as it's the fast-paced and steadily produced tension.
Action, tension. This author is a past master of such things, which is why he's in solid on the market. His name is widely known, and he's reliable as a producer of such tales. Mr. Patterson, we should all be so skilled. Green for go on Cat & Mouse... with a few mysterious spatters of blood red, of course. You've earned it the hard way.
Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review a classic James Patterson novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Comments? Questions?
-- The Fireside Reader

THE TERROR, by Dan Simmons

The Terror
Dan Simmons (Bestselling author of Olympos.)
Novel released as hardcover January, 2007, soon to be released as paperback.
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-316-01744-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-316-01744-2
Published by:
Little, Brown & Company Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Price (as hardcover):
$26.99 USD / $31.25 CAN

What an intense piece of work this one is! Mr. Simmons has done a monstrous (ahem) amount of work on this novel of an arctic exploration gone wrong. Vivid details, strong charactors, suspense and mystery done to a turn in a bloody-bones sauce of horror, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The research is well done indeed, the delicacy of the thread holding us is titanium strong yet cobweb light, as weirdly illuminating as the northern lights.

My only complaint is that, while there is no doubt this is a tightly woven story, it's almost wordy in its massive glory. While on the edge of my seat quite literally, at times I wondered when we were ever going to get to the punchline.

We did get to the punchline, however, and it is a doozy! There is no way I'd have seen the end coming, and it involves one of my greatest interests (which, in the name of keeping a spoiler down, I won't pass along just yet). An unpredictable ending is priceless in a world filled with more and more books.

Visit Mr. Simmon's delectible imagination and see for yourself. This novel will have you asking questions and shivering fit to shatter bones even if you're in a beachside summer cottage with heavy clothing on and the heat cranked up high. Those flags are nothing more and nothing less than the northern lights -- high, wide, and handsome, a mystery from without and within.


Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review Dan Simmon's interesting novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.


Comments? Questions?

-- The Fireside Reader

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Dream Thief, by Shana Abe'

The Dream Thief
Shana Abe'
Hardcover released
October 2006
Mass market edition released
September 2007
Published by:
Bantam Dell
A Division of Random House, Inc.
New York, New York, USA
ISBN: 978-0-553-58805-7
Mass market paperback price:
$6.99 USD


Though this book is niched as plain 'fiction' by Random House and Bantam Dell, it is a fantasty book with strong romantic leanings. In short, it's one of the new genre blends that are sweeping the markets.

. Out of curiosity, I bought and read (since Random House apparently declines to take part in my book reviews by simply ignoring my emails and letters) The Smoke Thief. This book, The Dream Thief is a sequel to it. I bought and read this one with the intention of bringing it to the attention of those who enjoy the romance genre as well as the fantasy genre -- Shana Abe' brings to us a wonderful voice as well as an intense imagination. It's a pity she limits herself to the narrow world of romances (yep, at times her stories lean darn near porn!) by this blend, yet I believe she's making a solid place for herself in a niche, with specific, steady fans.


The Smoke Thief and The Dream Thief are tales of humans and dragons, magical and basic interaction gone dramatic. We're taken into a world of the rich and poor, jewels and high flight with the inevitable velvet darkness to set it off. It's a heady blend of style and power.


If you love both romance and magical fantasy, this author is for you. Dragon flags with dark jewels for this one... the voice alone warrants this, if the genre blend does not.

. -- The Fireside Reader

Demon's Kiss, by Eve Silver

Demon's Kiss
Author: Eve Silver
Released in mass market paperback October 2007
Published by:
Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
ISBN-10: 0-446-61892
ISBN-13: 978-0-446-61892-2
Paperback price:
$6.99 USD
The genre marked on this book is "paranormal romance". I shudder as I write this, as I would describe it as more like 'fantasy alternated with consenting adult porn'.

Having dipped into the mixed-genre books that seem to be sweeping the market recently, I have to say that in comparison to the truly skilled authors, Eve Silver has fallen flat on her face on this one. I'm saddened by this, as she has the ability, I think, to do much better. What she needs is an honest editor!

. Ms. Silver alternates pornographic (mostly graphic) scenes with her magical scenes. There is no blending, no integration of anything. It's up (pardon my expression), down (again, pardon me), and gone in a puff of smoke all too soon -- all too personally. Delicate filaments of light magic cannot heal this alleged story from the chopping and patching that had to have been done to bring it to this state.

. Another problem is that while Ms. Silver definately skipped on research, she also skipped on polishing her style. Everything is in italics, which bugged me, and words are used incorrectly in various places, mostly 'hybrid'. A visit to would have let her see that making up a word would have made a lot more sense. She seems to talk down to the reader with such careless inattention to detail, which I abhor.

. As an honest reader, I can't offer any flags for this book. I would have to call it unedited, and therefore unfinished.

. Best of luck in the future, Ms. Silver. You have the right idea. Now apply a little honest sweat -- and change the sheets while you're at it.


Our thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review this book. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.


... Comments? Questions? -- The Fireside Reader

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Stone Cold, by David Baldacci

Stone Cold
David Baldacci
(New York Times bestselling author
of The Collectors and Simple Genius.)
Novel to be released as hardcover November 6, 2007
ISBN number:
ISBN-10: 0-446-57739-1


ISBN-13: 978-0-446-57739-7
Published by: Grand Central Publishing
Hachette Book Group USA
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
$26.99 USD / $31.25 CAN

The blurb on the back of this advance copy says that the author "returns with STONE COLD -- an unforgetable novel of revenge, conspiracy, and murder" ... which I find to be a gross understatement. This novel is a highly developed work, its plot woven and rewoven into a tight tale of political and personal power struggles.


The charactors are larger than life, the stressors intense -- you'll be on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. If this book makes it to movie, it'll be a wild ride for any enthusiast of tight packed action and intrigue (providing that the movie makers don't massacre the whole thing as they have done so many others in the past, that is). As it is, with the reader providing all the props, cast, and details, it's a fireball of a trip I'm glad to have taken. .

This is absolutely one of the best-researched and carefully written books I've ever picked up. Mr. Baldacci is gifted -- and has a strong voice that he uses to take us to ever-increasing levels of tension. Speaking of a book with meat on the bones ... this is it! Even I, who avoid reading political thrillers in general due to the dusty-dry source material, found it to be a top of the line item.

. If you like tales of spies, international intrigue, human nature and heroes found in the edges of society, check out this admirable work of David Baldacci's. It'll take you to places you never thought could exist and have you doing things you'd never dreamed of doing in ways you wouldn't have believed possible.


Red, white, and blue -- a classic American flag for Stone Cold. No white flags or white feathers for this one. The action is too hot, the story and charactors far too vivid, the battleground all too close, to be flagged with anything else.

... .

Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review David Baldacci's newest novel. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.

... .

Comments? Questions? . -- The Fireside Reader

When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits, by Mary Ann Winkowski

. When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits
. Mary Ann Winkowski (The consultant to CBS's Ghost Whisperer.)
Foreword by James Van Praagh, spiritual medium and author of Talking to Heaven.
Novel to be released as hardcover October 22, 2007
ISBN numbers: ISBN-10: 0-446-58118-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-44658118-9
. Published by:
Grand Central Publishing Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
. Price:
. $24.99 USD / $31.99 CAN

Just in time for that time of year when ghosts and goblins lurk in every shadow, and the crash landing of a falling leaf can send chills down your spine, comes this interesting book by the consultant to CBS's Ghost Whisperer. Mary Ann Winkowski, a devout Catholic, happily married mom, and seer of the spirits of the dead offers us a tantalizing view "beyond the veil".


Using a gift apparently passed down through her Italian ancestors, she talks to those who have crossed over the line between life and death, and yet have not left the earthly plane. Some of the stories she tells will have you laughing for hours afterwards -- and others of her tales will make your skin crawl and have you peeking around at flitting shadows, screaming when the cat brushes up against your unsuspecting shins! Mary Ann offers the earthbound spirits a pathway (the legendary white light, which she claims to be able to make on demand) to eternity.


She even claims to have 'seen', in a round about way, evidence of guardian spirits who have gone beyond the light yet have offered support and care to those recently dead. Angels? Departed beloveds who carried the love into eternity? Perhaps.


From the time we're concieved, we travel toward death. Death, however, often seems to sneak up on us like a theif in the night, taking away all of the things we'd planned in our disbelief that time is limited for all of us. For some, death is a release, a balm. Either way, it is the last, ultimate mystery, one we cannot answer until we, as individuals in most cases, experience it.


Where do we go, when life departs us? What do we do? Do we lurk at the funeral home to see what the still-living have to say to us? Do we look into that bright white light and go on without a backward glance into whatever dreams may lie waiting for us in the last great unknown?


Mary Ann Winkowski attempts to answer some of these questions -- and others -- while opening up windows and doors of the imagination with total abandon. Her stories of coming across truly evil spirits, things that scared even a woman accustomed to routinely speaking with the dead, will definately make you wonder about the truths of the struggle between good and evil. Humanity is still humanity, according to her, even when the frail shell of flesh is fallen by the wayside.


Having seen a few inexplicable things in my lifetime, I'll hold judgment on whether this is a fiction or nonfiction book. Judge for yourself; my opinion is only one, one which has no proof either way of what comes after the moment death arrives with its cold fingers to separate us from all we've been aware of for a lifetime, be it short or long.


Any book that makes a person think is a positive. Ghostly soft flags to Mrs. Winkowski, flying on a shivery breeze ... to keep us on our fleshy toes!


Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review this interesting book by Mary Ann Winkowski. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.

... Comments? Questions?


-- The Fireside Reader

Friday, September 21, 2007

ADVANCE REVIEW. The Poet's Corner: The One and Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family, Compiled by John Lithgow

The Poet's Corner: The One and Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family
Compiled by
John Lithgow
Poetry collection/book to be released as
hardcover November 15th, 2007
ISBN-13: 978-0-446-58002-1 ISBN-10: 0-446-58002-3
Published by:
Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
Includes a bonus CD featuring readings by John Lithgow and friends.
$24.99 USD / $31.99 CAN
. _________________________
Anyone who loves the classics will love this collection, as will those who enjoy readings of poetry in a family context. It is a fine collection, and it includes old favorites along with a few lesser-known pieces by poets of great talent.
The only problem with it that I could see (aside from common editorial issues -- everyday/every day, E.E. Cummings/e. e. cummings -- since the copy I reviewed is, one should note, an advance copy and as yet is uncorrected), is that of language. Middle English isn't something every family member will be able to decipher, unfortunately. This fact was brought home to me in a very literal way when I read a scattering of poems to my own family. I was, in some cases, reduced to translation. As much as I love Robert Burns, not too many people in today's world will be able to understand what a "cranreuch cauld" is, for example: "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/Gang aft agley..." (or 'the best-laid plans of mice and men go oft astray').
One should note, as I have said before, that the copy I've seen is not the final version. There can -- and probably will -- be changes to the book before its release.
This book is coming out in hardback 'with a bonus CD featuring readings by John Lithgow and friends' that I would dearly love to hear someday. Poetry, read aloud, has a power beyond belief, which does explain why kings of legend had a powerful fear of bards. Poetry can heal, or it can destroy. Poetry is memorable music sung in one's ear that does not fade much with time.
Post-editor application, I would, even as a non-habitual reader of classic poems, highly recommend this book for family collections. A green-for-go flag for this one!
The offerings vary from the fun of Edward Lear (The Owl and the Pussy Cat) to Dylan Thomas (Do not go gentle into that good night), and far, far more. It is a collection of the best of the best, and is put to the reader by a person who loves poetry and has since his childhood. Someone who speaks the language, one might say. I could think of no one better suited to introduce quality works of poetic art to a family context.
Mr. Lithgow has commented, throughout the book, about the poets and their lives. He speaks in a comfortable, natural way, his literary voice as soothing as his stage projection can be. He brings us the masters of poetry in a context that any family would feel instantly familiar with, and even comforted, in readings either personal or aloud.
Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review this collection compiled by John Lithgow. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
-- The Fireside Reader

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back soon! New reviews upcoming.

More new books (advance copies) have arrived! I'm expecting several more, but these are in the mind-mill already. Upcoming reviews:
  • Stone Cold, by David Baldacci
  • The Poet's Corner: The One and Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family, compiled by John Lithgow.

Please bear with me. I will be back soon ...with new items.
-- The Fireside Reader

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold (ADVANCE REVIEW)

. The Almost Moon
. Alice Sebold (bestselling author of The Lovely Bones)
. Novel to be released as hardcover in October, 2007
ISBN number:
. 0-316-67746-9 / 978-0-316-67746-2
Published by:
. Little, Brown and Company
. Hachette Book Group USA
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169
. $24.99 USD / $31.99 CAN
In this novel, Sebold departs from The Lovely Bones and offers some gruesome skeletons in the closet of her protagonist. From the first line, this is a story which pulls one in close and yet shoves one away in repulsion, to love and hate her main charactor for her actions, Helen Knightly, as she herself loves and hates. Written in an undeniably powerful voice, something to be expected from this bestselling author, the story is still yet of content many readers may sheer away from immediately. It is a dark novel, a story which takes the reader to realms within where the skin crawls as if skittery spiders had been released en masse.
Sebold has chosen mental illness as the basis for this novel. I will not give away the whole story, nor even yet the ending, but I will say that the ending was not quite a resolution. The old Biblical quote about the sins of the fathers being visited upon the children "unto the 12th generation" comes to mind after reading this book, as do various psycho-babble items about it always being Mom's fault that we are who and what we are.
Deeper and deeper the story goes, where it stops... well.
As a voracious reader of widely varied genres, I am always expecting (except in experimental items) to see at least some attempt made to resolve the conflicts thus presented in the printed medium. In this novel, I have seen no such thing. However, I don't see where Ms. Sebold could have taken the story otherwise: the ending is, while incomplete in my eyes, predictable. I am saddened by this. I had expected something very different of this author.
When I approached the ending and read it through, I automatically turned the page looking for the rest ... and there was nothing else. Just an ending of sorts, the reader left dangling madly on the end of a steely hook held by the hands of an angler who has great skill and style.
The only other problems I came across were identifications of outside charactors that turned out to be children of the protagonist and, in turn, grandchildren. The relationships were vague at best during the whole story, leading me to turn back and forth in the pages, looking for answers. It interrupted the flow of the tale. That can be altered easily.
NOTE: The copy I read was an advance copy, and an UNCORRECTED PROOF, not yet for sale. Changes to the novel are possible before its release in October.
I believe I'd hand Ms. Sebold a red pen and a couple of flags: red for resale hopes (every business person, of which writers are by default in selling rights to their creations, knows that resale is where the real money is), black for the dark dabblings in mental illness without resolution.
Yes, I would read more of Ms. Sebold's work. I know she is capable of terrific work. This one item simply isn't complete, as I have seen it.
Special hanks to the Hachette Book Group for a chance to review Alice Sebold's newest work in advance of its official release. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website. .
Comments? Questions?
-- The Fireside Reader

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Born Fighting:How the Scots-Irish Shaped America, by James Webb


Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America

Author: James Webb

ISBN number: 0-7679-1689-1

Classification: History - United States - General


Price: US $14.95/$21.00 CAN

In this book, Mr. Webb explains that more than 27 million Americans today can trace their lineage to Scots-Irish ancestors. He talks in depth about all of the experiences the migrating peoples encountered, what it made of them, and where it has brought the country to today. This is a little-known ethnic group (almost unaddressed in specific history, comparatively to others). It has taken part in making the U.S. what it is today on social, cultural, and political grounds from the beginning and through to the present. Some of my ancestors were Cherokee, yes. Others, German and English. But also were they Scots-Irish, of the McIntosh clan heritage. I can hear it in the words common to the locale. I can see it in the determination to succeed instead of merely moving on. It's on almost every face -- of the old bloodlines still remaining -- as clear to see as mistletoe in winter. Tenacious. My father's father died on St. Patrick's day, many years ago. Dad was a young man, and this happened some twenty years before I was born. In the old pictures of Papaw John, the rippling black hair that's so much like my own father's shows the link. The solid features, the sturdy bones that bear more muscled weight than it appears, the square hands so like my own. I don't look like them a lot in other ways, but the bones and the hands are there. The determination that can carry a warrior across incredible battlefields in strange lands, and back home again with only a few scars ... I don't know if I have that, but I hope I do. I do know that many facets of my heritage bring forth the warrior's way, and that when the battle anger swells, something must give. It's something one must be responsibl for the consequences of, every single time. The warrior's way is as Gaelic as it is Cherokee. I was fascinated that Mr. Webb points out in his book the traits of "acute individualism, dislike of aristocracy, and military tradition", and this I can swear to this as being quite real. It's almost instinctive, and highly developed. St. Patrick may have (allegedly) run all the serpents out of Ireland, but when the Scots-Irish came to the United States, the gnurling twists and knot-work of Gaelic history intertwined with a dozen other heritages, only to become stronger. Neither life nor death can change that, nor can they take the occasional lilt of Gael tongue from the hills-drawl. Go on! Wear green if you feel the urge. It's the color of growth and misty mornings, the smell of a healthy, clean horse, and of a decent wind always at your back. It's a strong color, one to be proud of knowing "up close and personal". And in the meantime, pick up a copy of James Webb's Born Fighting. Whatever your heritage, this book is worth the read.

-- The Fireside Reader

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I will post a couple of older reviews here, just to start things off. However, the next posting will be a review of Alice Sebold's The Almost Moon. Let us hope that she finds such success in this next work as in her first big hit, The Lovely Bones.
Later, there will be more, if the fates hold true.
* Cat & Mouse,
by James Patterson
* Stone Cold,
by David Baldacci
* Wild Fire,
by Nelson DeMille
* The Terror,
by Dan Simmons
* The Poets' Corner:
The One-and-Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family,
Compiled by John Lithgow
I hope you enjoy your reading, and I hope I can offer an honest opinion that you will generally agree with in regards to the material reviewed here. It is my intent to raise awareness of the world of books, a medium that is largely neglected in the United States. It's a sad fact that a large number of our best writers find greater success in other countries than they do in their own.
However, I call 'em as I see 'em. If it's a BOO, it's a BOO. If it's a decent, entertaining read, etc., that's what I'll say about 'em. Books vary, and every good writer can have a bad go-'round. We live and learn, and so we grow. Within as well as without. It's a part of life, and it's a part of being a writer. Honesty is the only way. Not merely a policy.
NOTE: Comments are welcome -- within reason and decency. I will not remove anything tolerable, yet I will maintian that all comments must be viewable by the average family audience. Mild is fine, but extremely foul items will be removed without remorse. Be ye warned!
-- The Fireside Reader