Thursday, March 6, 2008

H2O, by Howard Schatz



. By

Howard Schatz

Nonfiction, Photography. Hardback released November 2007.


ISBN-10: 0-316-1176-7

ISBN-13: 978-0-316-11775-3



Published by:

Bulfinch Press
Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10169

$60.00 US / $69.50 Can.


Mr. Schatz has done it again! His skill with the photographic tools and the additional medium of water in all of its properties is absolutely magical. The man is a visionary who has, with hard work and complete dedication to his art, brought the human body back to its fluid origins in a saline suspension of pure beauty.
As one might guess, this book does include some nudity and freedom of artistic interpretation -- sometimes referring back to other great, easily-recognised works of Renaissance art. It is a coffee-table type book, intended for an adult market.
However, I must say that isn't pornographic to my eyes: this is real art. Rare art. If you buy this book, don't miss the sections throughout which explain the artist's motivations, methods, and explorations that lie at the heart of his art. There is also (common in photographic art books) a thumbnail-and-comment section in the back. These items are most interesting.
Mr. Schatz is fast becoming a classic, an icon in his business. Have a look for yourself: .

Special thanks to Hachette Book Group for the chance to review this beautiful collection of photographic art by Mr. Schatz. For information on other books offered or about to be offered by HBGUSA, please visit their website.
Questions? Comments? Speak up and be welcome.
-- The Fireside Reader
. Please refer others to this link:

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