Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome, Reader!

This blog page will be solely reserved for reviewing books. Those of you who are linked to my * closed to friends-only * (other) blog page are asked to keep its location and any information related to that to yourselves, please. I love my small privacy with genuine friends there.
I will post a couple of older reviews here, just to start things off. However, the next posting will be a review of Alice Sebold's The Almost Moon. Let us hope that she finds such success in this next work as in her first big hit, The Lovely Bones.
Later, there will be more, if the fates hold true.
* Cat & Mouse,
by James Patterson
* Stone Cold,
by David Baldacci
* Wild Fire,
by Nelson DeMille
* The Terror,
by Dan Simmons
* The Poets' Corner:
The One-and-Only Poetry Book for the Whole Family,
Compiled by John Lithgow
I hope you enjoy your reading, and I hope I can offer an honest opinion that you will generally agree with in regards to the material reviewed here. It is my intent to raise awareness of the world of books, a medium that is largely neglected in the United States. It's a sad fact that a large number of our best writers find greater success in other countries than they do in their own.
However, I call 'em as I see 'em. If it's a BOO, it's a BOO. If it's a decent, entertaining read, etc., that's what I'll say about 'em. Books vary, and every good writer can have a bad go-'round. We live and learn, and so we grow. Within as well as without. It's a part of life, and it's a part of being a writer. Honesty is the only way. Not merely a policy.
NOTE: Comments are welcome -- within reason and decency. I will not remove anything tolerable, yet I will maintian that all comments must be viewable by the average family audience. Mild is fine, but extremely foul items will be removed without remorse. Be ye warned!
-- The Fireside Reader


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Fireside,
Good luck as you begin your new journey. May it lead you to places rich and wild!

R.L.M. Tipton said...

Thank you so much, Minxie, for the kind wishes. Stop in any time. You're most welcome!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering: why are all the proposed books-for-review from the same publishing group? :)

R.L.M. Tipton said...

Dear Anonymous,

The reason all of the books currently lined up for review are all from the same publisher is that this is that, since this is a new blogsite, they're the only ones I have an arrangement with to aquire advance books. Hachette Book Group owns several imprints, and the fare is varied. They've been most helpful, and I am told that more books are in the mail to me even now.

From time to time I hope to review older books along with the new. I also am trying to set up the same or similar arrangement with other publishers.

I hope that answers your questions. :) Please visit again soon. I appreciate your curiosity, since I would have asked the same thing myself, I think.