A Novel
Written by
Leila Cobo
First Edition Trade Paperback
Released Oct., 2009
ISBN: 978-0-316-16631-7
Published by:
Grand Central Publishing
Hachette Book Group
$13.99 U.S.
$16.99 Canada
A Novel
Written by
Leila Cobo
First Edition Trade Paperback
Released Oct., 2009
ISBN: 978-0-316-16631-7
Published by:
Grand Central Publishing
Hachette Book Group
$13.99 U.S.
$16.99 Canada
This finely wrought debut novel is a product of the renowned Leila Cobo, a former concert pianist and celebrated journalist native to Cali, Columbia and now residing in Florida, USA.
Ms. Cobo has every right to be proud of this book. The depth and sincerity of it strike home with the reader in a unique way. She clearly loves her native land and its peoples, and she understands that while nothing and no one is perfect, it is the way we deal with the search for perfection that defines us. She gives us a clear, unstinting portrait of Cali, Colombia as only such as she could.
TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE is a tale of interwoven lives and loves, of secrets and unavoidable truths. Tucked into the everyday is a hard look at how the drug industry, an intrinsic part of how the world outside perceives Columbia in general, destroys all it touches, beginning with those who deal in it. We're given a loving look at the arts and music, the extraordinary ordinary of the people there, their day to day struggles and joys. Ms. Cobo has a gift for bringing caring to the reader, to widen our perceptions of a diverse world.
Recommended reading! This novel will not only entertain, it will enlighten.
Special thanks to Hachette Publishing Group -- and Miriam Parker, Associate Director of Online Marketing -- for the opportunity to review this book and pass it along to the world of readers. The Fireside Reader sincerely thanks you!