Written by
Michael Connelly
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First Edition Hardback
released Oct., 2009
Published by:
Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 978-0-316-16631-7
$27.99 U.S.
$34.99 Canada
Available also through Hachette Audio.
Harry Bosch is back and on the job in Mr. Connelly's most recently released work, "NINE DRAGONS". From the black and gold of the cover, the exotic contrasts begin with a bang and keep on going.
In this round, Harry Bosch is sunk deep into a world almost unknown by non-Asian peoples, a world rich and replete with careful ceremony, deep spiritualism, and an insular protectiveness that both contrasts and blends seamlessly with definite materialistic leanings. His world has developed within himself out of need, and the utterly alien ways of Asians as compared to his concept of Americans (by way of having been a "tunnel rat" while in Viet Nam) strains his narrow tolerances -- yet, a strong survivor, he begins to adapt and learn.
It begins with a murder at Fortune Liquors. The storekeeper is killed, and by chance was slightly known by Harry Bosch. He carries an old matchbook with a fortune inside: "Happy is the man who finds refuge in himself." One match is missing, the story behind it a shadow that stays with the LAPD detective.
The stakes rise high, and Harry Bosch rises to meet them one by one with his trademark determination raised like a battle flag. But when the most important part of his life is endangered, that determination turns to something far more desperate.
Laid out between the ultra-American world of Las Angeles, California, and the ultra-Chinese world of Hong Kong -- both with international connections -- this story is to be recommended. Mr. Connelly is a master of his genre.
Also available: THE SCARECROW
Special thanks to Hachette Publishing Group -- and Miriam Parker, Associate Director of Online Marketing -- for the opportunity to review this book and pass it along to the world of readers. The Fireside Reader sincerely thanks you!