Though this book is niched as plain 'fiction' by Random House and Bantam Dell, it is a fantasty book with strong romantic leanings. In short, it's one of the new genre blends that are sweeping the markets.
. Out of curiosity, I bought and read (since Random House apparently declines to take part in my book reviews by simply ignoring my emails and letters) The Smoke Thief. This book, The Dream Thief is a sequel to it. I bought and read this one with the intention of bringing it to the attention of those who enjoy the romance genre as well as the fantasy genre -- Shana Abe' brings to us a wonderful voice as well as an intense imagination. It's a pity she limits herself to the narrow world of romances (yep, at times her stories lean darn near porn!) by this blend, yet I believe she's making a solid place for herself in a niche, with specific, steady fans.
The Smoke Thief and The Dream Thief are tales of humans and dragons, magical and basic interaction gone dramatic. We're taken into a world of the rich and poor, jewels and high flight with the inevitable velvet darkness to set it off. It's a heady blend of style and power.
If you love both romance and magical fantasy, this author is for you. Dragon flags with dark jewels for this one... the voice alone warrants this, if the genre blend does not.
. -- The Fireside Reader